Visit and discover the local, hidden jewels of history and landscape

Archaeological and prehistoric sites in the northern part of Czech rep.

The best of the forgotten treasures of the Central Czech rep.

The ecological consequences of surface coal mining in northern Bohemia

Romantic ruins of Gothic castles in the Central Bohemian Highlands

Walk around the sights and attractions of the Royal Miners Town of Krupka

Discover the melancholic beauty of the Northern Mountains – by foot or by bike

Meet and taste the regional breweries of the North!

Sacred architectural monuments in the North
Over 1100 years of Christianity in Bohemia. This tour around monuments and treasures of the heritage…

Mysterious and hidden places


The Jewish People – our neighbors
April – October | Monday – Sunday (subject to agreement and weather)
start approx. 8:00-9:00 ending about 16:00-18:00 (depending on the program of the trip, weather, situation and the number of people)
Place of departure and arrival:
Prague – the metro stop terminal line- C-Letnany or line- B-Zlicin Teplice, Ústí nad Labem, Litoměřice – subject to agreement
Price of one-day trip
per person with number of participants: 3 persons – 1890,-Kč 4-14 persons – 1490,-Kč 15 and more persons – 990,-Kč Trips around “Beer” and “Wine” is price 1550,- Kč per person and 10 pers. min.
The price includes:
transport, guide, tickets and interpretation, lunch- refreshments
The price does not include:
own expenses, insurance
cash only before the trip
Interpretation and commentary:
in Czech, English and basic Russian (not perfect)
according to the number of persons – passenger car, transit, mini bus, bus
lunch in a restaurant + drink or picnic in the nature (baguette) + drink according to the type of the trip
None of the excursions are physically demanding. However, it is necessary to take into account that some routes take a few kilometres for that day. Ask us for advice. Excursions are not suitable for little children and people with mobility restrictions Do not forget about appropriate footwear for nature and a waterproof windbreaker is advised. Please always follow the directions of the guide – do not leave the paths and carefully respect the nature and the monuments. In case of bad weather or any unforeseen event, the trip can be canceled by a guide. If it happens before lunch, the whole price of the trip will be refunded – if the trip will be canceled for serious reasons after lunch – 50% of price will be refunded. All visitors was informated that participations on trips is on them own responsibility and own risk.
We prepare
SORRY – page in the process of preparation
Reservation and order:
only by phone on: +420 774 601 451
Questions and informations:
phone: +420 774 601 451
Form for questions (not orders)
Tomáš Wágner – guiding
Reservation and order:
only by phone on: +420 774 601 451
Questions and informations:
phone: +420 774 601 451
Form for questions (not orders)
Tomáš Wágner – guiding