Archaeological and prehistoric sites in the northern part of Czech rep.
In the morning we will see the worldly unique and probably the most eastern situated megalithic creation in Europe – Kounov stone rows. We will also visit an archeological museum in the countryside with replicas of prehistoric buildings and examples of life in ancient times – Březno. You will see two menhirs – stones which were witness to the oldest farmers – Slavětín and Klobúky. A walk through the forest will take us to the ancient, and likely at that time, very important, ritualistic fortification from the period of the first Celts – Stradonice. Then we will stand under one of the oldest oaks in the country, associated with the beautiful legend about Prince Oldřich and lady Božena – Peruc. And the best is saved for last, – Budeč – The Přemyslid fortification, where the Czech patron, St. Vaclav was educated, and the location of the oldest, still standing, preserved building in the country, the rotunda of St.Peter and St.Paul. A day full of experiences and beauty. Just try it…
(Slightly physically demanding – aprox 5 km)